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As far as this study abroad plus the trip go, I like making my decisions at night when it’s late and it’s just me and my research machine. Looking back, it seems my decision-making process is purely impulsive. Something just suddenly clicks and BAM! decision made. 

But then again, “impulsive” may be too strong of a word. I have been researching and researching (and researching…) about the places that I want to go and where to stay. If you have seen my previous posts, you would have thought that I got it all figured out.

Recently, it has been brought into my attention that the duration of my trip does not seem long at all – which I of course agree. And to be honestly honest, if I had the means, I would not come back at all. Who would want to return to such a gloomy rat hole. I refuse to put a question mark there because it is not a question.

Moving on.

I don’t thing I’ve blogged about the first time that I started moving the dates around. I was going to come back just in time for a major sporting event that I dream of attending, but I know deep down that I will not be going. Regardless, I changed the booking’s dates around… But now, I have doubts.

If I was to stay longer, I will be spending a week in Barcelona – maybe shorter. I’m thinking of going to watch the event live in the hometown of my most favorite thing on Earth named Marc Marquez.


His hometown is an hour away from Barcelona by train. I heard that it is a rural, medieval, small university town. It is so small that there are only 2 hotels. I was excited of the roof after checking one of the 2 hotels’ website and saw that it put up a banner that said “Official Marc Marquez Fan Club”. The website is so kind to add a link to Marc’s official website, too. But once I checked the Google Map using “the street view”, I did not spot the hotel. I “walked” (huh, technology) from the train station to the address, but I did not see it. What’s worse is that it looks like a “regular” town. By regular I mean, it’s not touristy, no one was out in the street. Although there are sidewalks and all but it did not look too pedestrian-friendly, especially for a tourist walking to her hotel with a huge luggage in hand. It seems a bit spread out and there was no public transportation that I spotted – just private cars. Did I mention it was dead empty? It almost looked like a ghost town.

But one surprising thing that I have found is a spa with the decorations from my country… It was a huge deja voo.

Maybe I am meant to be there?

Just trying to play the scenario out is intimidating. Obviously, everyone there will speak Catalan – like in 1200 something ago that their ancestors did. Heaven forbid, if I were to find the Marquez Official Fan Club watching the event live, how would I enter. How would I fit in? Would they even let me in? Will they look at me funny? Would they think that I was just a lost stranger who will never belong there?

But I also picture meeting the rest of the Marquez there – them being all nice and taking pictures with me.

The daydreaming just doesn’t end.

It looks like the event will start around 8pm, meaning that if I want to join, I’d better reserve the hotel. One hotel refuse to show the price and let you directly make reservations without e-mailing them first, while the other one doesn’t let you make a reservation online at all. The latter seems like the best of the two, though.

I have yet to make my decision.

